Dave Kampfschulte is the founder of Amazing Circles Workshops. He is a keynote speaker, author and also facilitates interactive workshops for health care personnel, educators and adult education groups around the country. His book Amazing Circles is about creating a safe emotional environment in which people can tell and process their stories. His most recent book, I’m Dying to Talk with You, shares his experiences from 25 years in the hospice field and conversations with patients and families on end-of-life decisions. His motto is: Everyone is a story. Dave honors each story with attention and care.
Prior to his career with Amazing Circles, Dave has had experiences as a secondary school teacher, hospice volunteer, hotline crisis counselor, stay-at-home dad, wilderness canoe trip leader and a basketball coach. Dave has a Masters in Education and is a certified grief specialist. He was the recipient of the East Grand Rapids Schools Foundation “Excellence in Teaching Award” in 2007. He lives in Muskegon, Michigan.