The following are lists of Dave’s workshops. Workshops typically last 1-2 hours, but may easily be expanded. These lists are not comprehensive as Dave is willing to customize workshops to meet your group’s goals, interest and budget
Health Field and Hospice Workshops
How to Hear What is Not Being Said – This program is Dave’s signature workshop. Through group interaction and role-play, participants learn the subtle, lifelong skills needed to be an empathetic listener. Skills discussed include: reading nonverbal clues, picking out feelings from conversations, characteristics of a good listener, clarifying what is said, dealing with silent moments in the conversation, how to better express feelings, giving and receiving feedback, and seeking to understand versus argument.
Creating the Caring and Sharing Community – In a caring environment, learning soars as people feel comfortable participating and are more apt to relate life experiences to the lessons at hand. Through this workshop participants explore techniques and activities designed to create or enhance a classroom atmosphere or work environment of respect and community.
Every Picture Tells A Story – Through life mapping, participants in this workshop explore past events that influence present day attitudes while gaining a deeper understanding of themselves as well as each other.
I've Come to Realize – Teachers often operate as islands within a school. This workshop bridges educators’ individual classrooms as time is devoted to interaction and processing the teaching experience. Each participant will share what is working in his/her classroom and receive input on challenges he/she is facing.
Experiences in Living – Based on a class Dave taught for high school seniors, this workshop focuses on challenges students will face as adults including death and dying, grief, relationships, communication, family dynamics, handling a crisis, parenting, and personal finance.
Looking for Like Parents – Have you found yourself thinking, “Hmmm. I had this parenting thing down really well when the kids hit middle school, and then, things changed really fast?” Welcome to the club! Participants will discuss the joys and challenges of being parents of teenagers including picking your battles, setting boundaries, listening, and networking with other parents. Dave will draw on his experience as the former East Grand Rapids High School Youth Development Director as he facilitates the discussion.
Crossing the Boiling Lava – Dave guides participants through a series of group initiatives solved only through communication, cooperation and trust. Processing time enables team members to become more aware of group dynamics. Parts of this energizing, team-building workshop can be included with other workshops upon request.
Have I Gotta Story to Tell You: The Power of Life Review – Taking comfort in finding meaning in one's life is a common challenge for many people. That meaning is often found through the stories that are hidden between the folds of everyday life. Join Dave as he relates his experiences interviewing people for the My Life Story program. You will listen to the common life lessons, thoughts and feelings that wind through our collective lives. If you have had a story you have had a life!
I Am Dying to Talk with You - Dave Kampfschulte has worked in the hospice field for 24 years as a volunteer and educator. Spend a thoughtful and entertaining session with him as he relates his experiences of interacting and initiating conversations with patients at the end of life and their families. Stories range from the unusual to those that will bring tears to your eyes. You will leave with unexpected new insights about a subject that is usually avoided at all costs, but one we all must face. Get a glimpse of how others have handled it walking the path before you. You might just be pleasantly surprised.
Being Mortal – Join end of life educator, veteran hospice volunteer, and author Dave Kampfschulte for a stimulating and thought provoking class as we discuss the recent bestselling book, Being Mortal by Dr. Atul Gawande and its topics of the inevitable conditions of aging and death. How can medicine not only improve life, but also the process of dying? Something we all face. Why not talk about it and plan for it. As Dr Gawande says, “Hope is not a plan!”
How to Hear What Is Not Being Said – This program is Dave's signature workshop. Through group interaction and role-play, participants learn the subtle, lifelong skills needed to be an empathetic listener. Skills discussed include: reading nonverbal clues, picking out feelings from conversations, characteristics of a good listener, clarifying what is said, dealing with silent moments in the conversation, how to better express feelings, giving and receiving feedback, and seeking to understand versus argument.
The Tracks of My Tears – Loss is part of everyday life, but few of us every learned how to grieve it. Most likely we were taught, How to avoid grieving at any cost! Time to get the lesson you missed on: the messages our culture sends us on grieving, characteristics of grieving, the little deaths in our lives, the effects of unresolved grief, and how to grieve in a healthy way.
I Am Dying to Talk with You - Dave Kampfschulte has worked in the hospice field for 24 years as a volunteer and educator. Spend a thoughtful and entertaining session with him as he relates his experiences of interacting and initiating conversations with patients at the end of life and their families. Stories range from the unusual to those that will bring tears to your eyes. You will leave with unexpected new insights about a subject that is usually avoided at all costs, but one we all must face. Get a glimpse of how others have handled it walking the path before you. You might just be pleasantly surprised.
Have I Gotta Story to Tell You: The Power of Life Review – Taking comfort in finding meaning in one's life is a common challenge for many people. That meaning is often found through the stories that are hidden between the folds of everyday life. Join Dave as he relates his experiences interviewing people for the My Life Story program. You will listen to the common life lessons, thoughts and feelings that wind through our collective lives. If you have had a story you have had a life!
What Did You Mean When You Said That? – Language is a wonderful way to communicate our thoughts, as long as others are on the same page. So often, five different people have five vastly different understandings of the same conversation. Join Dave for a stimulating, interactive session as you discuss pitfalls to communication and also attempt to come up with common definitions for words like success, religion, justice and many more. You will walk away with a better understanding of where others are coming from as well as your own beliefs.
Have You Read a Good Book Lately? – Explore the meaning, satisfaction and joy that come from reading books. Join Dave to discuss what books stand out as favorites and the impact each has had on our lives. Based on the theme of the newly released book, The End of Your Life Book Club, the session will be a fast-paced trip through the memorable pages of our favorite books. This presentation is a must for people who share a love of books.
How to Hear What Is Not Being Said – This program is Dave's signature workshop. Through group interaction and role-play, participants learn the subtle, lifelong skills needed to be an empathetic listener. Skills discussed include: reading nonverbal clues, picking out feelings from conversations, characteristics of a good listener, clarifying what is said, dealing with silent moments in the conversation, how to better express feelings, giving and receiving feedback, and seeking to understand versus argument.
Bits of Wisdom Picked Up Along the Way - The benefit of growing older is that we have time to reflect and learn from our numerous life experiences, both the good and the bad. We have also invariably have picked up some wisdom along the way. Join Dave in this stimulating, interactive session as we reflect on what life has taught us and what does wisdom really mean. You might find out that you are smarter than you think!
Looking Up When Life is Pushing You Down –We all face similar challenges, traumas, and tragedies in our lives. Have you ever wondered why some people bounce back from tough times with a positive outlook while for others life becomes a daily challenge? Are optimism and resiliency something we are born with or are they traits that can be developed? Join us as we explore these questions and share your wisdom as we prepare for what tomorrow will bring.
Teaching Outside the Pages of a Book - Pull up a chair and join Dave’s class as he relates his reflections and experiences from his years of facilitating the unique high school senior elective class, Experiences in Living: Life as an Adult. The class lessons came not from a book but from the moving, personal student stories shared and the educational power of those stories to help recognize and understand the common themes and challenges we all experience in our journey through life. This is the class you wish you had had in High School!
Every Day with Morrie – Tuesdays with Morrie was on the best seller list for over 5 years. Join us for a lively, thought provoking session as we talk about the impact of this book, why it still strikes a chord today, and the lifelong lessons that Morrie not only imparted to his pupil Mitch, but people the world over. Was Morrie a very unique person? Or can we learn from his lessons and be more like him by making changes in our own lives?
I Second That Emotion! - You learned how to read, write, count, and memorize in school. Chances are you never were taught how to recognize and manage your emotions and the wide ranging effect they have on yourself and your relationships. Join us for a stimulating and thought provoking session as you learn what you missed the first time around, about the fascinating field of emotional intelligence.